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CrowdFire Review - Is CrowdFire Legit?

 If you're unsure if Crowdfire is the right method for managing your social media accounts, this in-depth Crowdfire analysis will answer all of your questions.

I've been using Crowdfire for a few years now, and the software has progressed significantly during that period. Apps have been introduced as well as – even more significantly – features removed. I thought it was past time to update my Crowdfire review to reflect the current state of the product.

(Please note that many of the other online reviews are out of date on this.)

Let's start with the basics:

What exactly is Crowdfire?

Crowdfire is a social media management platform used by brands, businesses, agencies, and individuals all over the world to help drive social media engagement and growth. We have packed in features ranging from content publishing to content curation to customer service to engagement, all in one place at a competitive price. Crowdfire is simple to understand, helps you save tons of time, has a host of features in a single place, and is the perfect tool to grow and manage your social accounts.

What is the purpose of Crowdfire?

Crowdfire's main purpose is to keep social media feeds active and current – both with your own posts and with appropriately selected posts from other outlets – in order to keep your audience engaged.

Crowdfire can be used in a variety of ways, including scheduling posts ahead of time, distributing posts across several networks, and analyzing reports and metrics to see which activities are successful and which content is gaining traction. With Crowdfire you can curate content, schedule posts, track conversations, and measure performance from a single dashboard at a competitive price.

Is it Safe to Use Crowdfire?

While it's difficult to predict whether or not things will change, Crowdfire appears to be a safe tool to use for your social networks, particularly after the automatic bulk follow/unfollow features were removed in early 2019.

Crowdfire's Features:

Let's take a look at Crowdfire's key features now that the background is out of the way:

  • The ability to access and manage multiple social media accounts from a single location.
  • Posts can be queued for automatic posting in the future.
  • Features to assist you in finding third-party content that your audience can enjoy.
  • To see how the networks are doing, use advanced analytics and reporting.
  • Help for multiple users in teams and agencies.
  • The opportunity to keep track of how well your rivals are doing in relation to you.
  • All of your mentions and private messages are accessible in one location.
  • Apps for iOS and Android to handle your social media when on the go.

It's worth remembering that not all features are available at all price levels, so double-check the pricing table.

The Crowdfire interface manages to fit a lot into a small space, and it can be a little overwhelming at first. It doesn't help that you can see features that, depending on your subscription amount, may or may not be available to you.

It's all pretty simple once you get the hang of it, and there are plenty of helpful tooltips and onboarding tutorials to help you get there.

Creating and Scheduling Content

One of the main functionality is post scheduling, which is simple to use and allows you to select from your own posts (which are automatically identified when they are published), as well as similar posts and photos from related sites. Crowdfire makes it easy for you to keep all of your timelines busy and filled.

Crowdfire has a lot of support for a lot of different networks, which is a huge plus. When you've linked all of your accounts and realized how much time you can save by not logging in to all of them, it's easy to forgive the app for its slightly cluttered user interface.

More advanced features, such as the calendar view and the ability to bulk upload future posts as a CSV file, are available in the "Scheduling" and "Content Curation" pages. (This is only available for the more costly subscriptions, but it might be useful if you ever hire a virtual assistant to do your social media posting for you). You can sign up for a 14-day FREE trial right here:

Click Here to Learn More

Analytics & Reports

The available analytics, as well as the comprehensive reports you can produce from inside Crowdfire, would appeal to statisticians. If you pay for one of the higher tiers, this involves competitor research.

Rather than anywhere else, it's obvious that the free edition of Crowdfire doesn't offer much. While you might get the same information from the analytics pages of social media sites, it's always convenient to have everything in one location.

Mention Monitoring

Mention monitoring is a very useful tool if you are very involved on several social media platforms. You can use it to respond to all of your @-messages in one location. It's even more useful if you're a multi-account agency or virtual assistant.

When it comes to software like this, the most important thing to consider is if it really functions. The good news is that it's all fairly trustworthy. When I publish something new, I get a desktop notification reminding me to share it on social media. The integration with social media seems to be running smoothly as well. 

Looking at how the features all come together now leads me to believe that my Crowdfire analysis will come to an interesting conclusion. As you'll see in a moment, whether Crowdfire is a good buy depends on what you want to do with it as much as what it can do.

Advantages and disadvantages

I'll wrap up this Crowdfire analysis with a few main advantages and disadvantages:

The Positive

  • To get a feel for the app, try the free edition.
  • The “plus” edition has a low entry rate.
  • The curation of content is nice.
  • A large number of social networks are funded.

The Drawbacks

  • The best features are only available in the more expensive models.

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